
Mike - 2002-04-04 19:34:42

Hey, I'd like to see the wedding page, can I? Hrmm? Can I can I can I? :D And am I the first to leave a note? Am I? Am I am I am I? :D (please read all of that in a truly whiney voice) Mike

Heather - 2002-04-07 12:46:50

I was kind of reading that thinking it was quite a nice message - although maybe a bit over zealous with the "baby" stuff! Anyway what I really wanted to say is what is EAP (or ECP or whatever it was). Must have missed that somewhere along the line...

craige - 2004-09-03 18:45:25

It's funny, re-reading these old entries now that I'm getting married. A lot of similar stuff, that's for sure! My MIL-zilla gave us a card at our co-ed shower that said something to that effect, but much more direct, "Congrats, looking forward to lots of grandchildren!" I thought it was kind of inappropriate. I don't write about her in my journal at all, since Jeff reads it, but she has already made me cry once. And lucky me, I get to go over to her house -- alone -- tomorrow. Oh boy, I'm sure looking forward to that. NOT!

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