More Jamie-the-Take-Your-Pants-Off-Man
2001-01-18 - 10:14:45

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Okay, so where was I? Right�The Artboy had fucked me over, I was feeling all "I am woman, hear me roar" and indulging my musical needs. Jamie started talking, and seemed cool, but should have quit while he was ahead. Despite misgivings, I went to the movies with him, and ended up faced with the "Take-your-pants-off-and-everything-will-be-okay" speech.

Confused? Go back an entry. It will all make sense�

So he dropped me off at my house and drove away. I went inside and woke my roommate up so I could tell her about my evening. Safe in my own living room, I started to feel less creeped out and more amused by the whole thing. For the next several weeks, "I don�t think you�re giving enough of yourself to this relationship" became the catchphrase in our apartment.

That Friday, I got home from work to find a message on my answering machine. "Hi Jennifer, it�s Jamie. Listen, I�m going to an art opening tonight, didn�t know if you�d be interested in going as well? I know you said you had to go to your mom�s tonight�I�d be happy to drop you off there after the show. Give me a call when you get home and we can make plans. Talk to you soon."

I stood in the living room, dumbfounded. Apparently, "I�ll wait for your call" really meant "I�ll wait until Friday and then call you myself." I let the answering machine rewind and did not pick up the phone. Later, after I�d left for my mom�s house, he called again, but talked only to machines.

The next day, I walked in the MS Walk with my mother and some friends. On the way to Cohasset, I amused them by recounting my Wednesday night. The more I told the story, the funnier it got. By the time I got home again, Jamie was nothing but a source of amusement.

That night, we had a "bad fashion statement" party at my house. We�d invited all our friends to come dressed in clothes that represented the worst fashion trend they�d ever embraced. I dug my black spandex Metal Chick outfit out of the back of my closet, complete with the chain belt and the vintage 1984 cross jewelry. We had a couple Madonnas, some acid wash denim, an Izod shirt with the collar turned up, a pair of overalls with one strap undone. The pictures are hysterical.

The blender was running overtime and I�d had several yummy frozen drinks by the time Erica called me out to the back porch and said, "Tell everyone about your date Wednesday night!" Drunk and loud, I told the story again, dubbing Jamie officially Jamie-the-Take-Your-Pants-Off-Man. We all laughed. I went inside to refresh my drink and use the bathroom.

I came out into the hall to find Jamie standing in the doorway.

**Very important lesson of Jenistar�s diary #!, boys and girls�if you�ve just started dating someone, never never NEVER mention that you�re planning a party at your house to them unless you are SURE you want them to show up.

He was wearing a terrible pair of Champion shorts and an old concert T-shirt. "I came dressed for the occasion," he said, smiling. "Great," I mumbled, and headed off to find reinforcements.

Word that JTTYPOM had shown up spread quickly, and I found myself surrounded by my over-protective guy friends. They didn�t leave me alone for the rest of the night. Jamie wandered through the party, standing on the edge of people�s conversations but not quite joining in. Eventually, people started leaving. As they�d go out the door, they�d say to Steve, "Don�t leave her alone with him!"

Finally, the only people left in our living room were Steve, who lived there, Erica�s brother Ian, JTTYPOM and me. Erica had thrown up and gone to bed . Steve sat in a chair in the corner. Ian sat on the far-left side of the couch, with me practically on top of him. Jamie sat on the far right, sideways, so he was crouched on the cushion, facing me. As I held on to Ian for dear life, Jamie would reach over and just randomly touch me�on my hair, my shoulder, my arm, my leg. Just�touch me. Lightly. Like he was trying to get my attention, except that there were only four of us in the conversation�I couldn�t possibly have been ignoring him.

After about 15 minutes, Ian stepped in. "Jamie, I know you live right around the corner from here. So do I. Do you think you could drop me off on your way home? We should let these two get to bed."

Gratefully, I hugged Ian goodbye, and somehow managed to get Jamie out the door. Steve and I sat up until we were sure he was gone, then went to bed ourselves. I didn�t sleep very much, though. I was half-sure he�d come back.

The next day, Jamie left three messages on our machine. Monday, he left two. Tuesday, our phone rang almost on the hour. Finally, I called his house and told him to just leave me alone.

Many months went by. I met the Boyfriend, broke up with the Boyfriend, started dating the Artboy again.

One night, I was at the Artboy�s gallery for a spoken word show. It was early, and I was helping Brendan work the door. Sitting on the steps with the Artboy�s gray hooded sweatshirt on, I collected donations from people coming in to see the show.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice. I pulled the hood on the sweatshirt in close and handed the money to Brendan. JTTYPOM was bringing a date into the show! Once they were inside, I went to find the Artboy. He laughed. He thought it was funny. He said, "THAT�S the guy you went out with after me? Jennifer, I thought you had better taste than that!"

I didn�t hear a word of the show. Jamie and his date wandered through the gallery and then went home. After they left, the Artboy apologized. "I didn�t realize you were that upset," he said.

Not long after that, the Artboy and I were at a fundraiser for the Milky Way bowling lounge, raising money for the renovations. Again, I looked up and saw Jamie come in, this time with a different date. All night, I stayed aware of his location, making sure it was nowhere near my own. The Artboy, smarter this time, stayed by my side except when his band played. Moments after he got up, Jamie came over and sat down.

We made small talk for a minute, and he asked who the Artboy was. I told him, and he laughed and said he wasn�t surprised we�d gotten back together.

Then, he surprised me.

He apologized.

He said, "You know, Jennifer, I�ve always felt bad about what happened between us. I obviously put you in a position you weren�t ready to be in, and I�m sorry about that. I hope you can forgive me."

I was floored. I mumbled an acceptance as the Artboy came back over. He introduced himself to Jamie, doing that strange territorial dance boys sometimes do. More small talk. Finally, Jamie walked away.

Sometimes, life is really weird.


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