The Number you have reached...
2002-06-24 - 6:00 p.m.

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Okay, so we all know that I haven�t been home very much over the past few daysweeksmonths. In fact, I estimate that I�ve spent less than ten nights in the apartment since April. And the nights that I have been there, I haven�t done much more than vegetate on the couch to season-ending television and roll into bed.

We also know that at some point in the not-so-distant past, I mentioned in here that I needed to pay the phone bill before they shut the phone off. Well, I paid that bill, but somehow, just hadn�t quite sent in another one since then. So sue me. I�ve used the phone twice in the past two months. It hasn�t really been at the top of my list of things to do. Pretty much that space has been taken up by �breathe� and �eat.�

So today, I�m at work, and I call the Apartment to see if Chris is going to be home tonight. And I get that �waah-waah-waah�the number you have reached, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, has been temporarily disconnected� recording.

My first reaction is, �Oh shit! Has it been that long?! I�ve been awfully out of it!�

My second reaction is, �But wait�Chris has been home??��

I�m not sure which one of us is more disfuctional�me, for not going home and letting the bill go long enough that they shut it off, or him, for being there that whole time with the phone bill in the house and not either opening it or calling me and saying, �Hey, there�s a phone bill here. I know you probably forgot, but we need to pay it.�

Not that it�s his responsibility, mind you�the bill is in my name. But wouldn�t you think he�d do something, rather than sit there with his scotch until the phone doesn�t work any more?

Or is it just me?

Regardless, I called the phone company. We have a fully-functional phone again. This is a good thing.

My mom asked me if I�d told the Verizon rep I spoke with the whole phone saga. I refrained. The way I see it, the people who work in places like the Verizon reconnect-my-delinquent-phone office hear an endless stream of sob stories, day after day. They don�t care why my phone bill wasn�t paid. They just want to know how I plan to give them $129. 22 so that they can put the reconnect orders into their computers. That�s really all that matters to them.

At least, that�s my theory.

I called again about half an hour ago. I got the machine.

Of course, he�s so damn antisocial that I wonder if he even knew we�d had no phone. This is the sad part of the story, boys and girls. It could have been disconnected for days without Chris noticing. He doesn�t call out, and he�s alienated our friends to the point that they hardly ever call him. It�s too painful. You never know which Chris personality you�re going to get.

I sound terrible. But I�ve stopped trying to save Chris. I need to put all my energy into saving myself.

Which, so far, is going at least fairly well�

I met with Wendy for the first time on Friday. I�ll see her again next Monday. At some point this week, she�ll call my PCP, and they�ll figure out what they want to prescribe for me. Then maybe I won�t walk around feeling constantly on the verge of tears. That would be good.

Friday was successful. I�m not dreading going back at all. I think this will work out well.

Dammit�it�s 6:00 already! I�ll have to finish this from home. Now that we have phone service again and all�


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