Much ado about lunchtime, and Jenistar bribes her readers
2001-01-16 - 16:48:22

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So today has been one of those days that feels like it�s been about 80 hours long.

I talked to the Artboy yesterday. Now that I�ve come clean about the Boyfriend, he�s been much more relaxed, and has actually started telling me about the Artgirl, his new girlfriend. Today, I emailed him and was talking about my anniversary�actually, I mailed him a copy of what I had written in here. He laughed and emailed me back, "SEVEN boys and one girl?!" I went back and enumerated. "Yes, seven boys and one girl. Three boys, including you, plus one girl the night of D&M�s wedding, Chips Ahoy, Dave, Jamie-the-Take-Your-Pants-Off-Man and the Boyfriend." He emailed me back that he�d done a count himself, and there were 11 girls on his list in that same amount of time, including three that I�m certain happened while we were together, one of whom was this really nasty girl who sang in a band he�d played with. Although the exchange made me laugh, and it was a certain sign that he and I have reached a different place in our relationship, it reminded me again why I�m so glad I�m not with him any more. I don�t want to be in a place where you have to wonder if your boyfriend or girlfriend is kissing someone else when you aren�t looking. I�m past that place in life.

Anyway, he�s registering for his last grad school semester tomorrow, and the building he has to go to is right around the corner from my office, so he asked if I wanted to have lunch with him.

One one hand, I would really like to see him, to see that he�s really in the place he claims to be in, that he and the Artgirl are really as well settled as he says they are. And lunch is a good place to do that. I have an hour, then I have to be back at my desk, no exception. And it�s good to talk to him, and to be in a place where I am comfortable with him, without feeling like it�s a MONUMENTAL DECISION. I hung up with him and called the Boyfriend and there was NO fallout, no weirdess, no unresolved feelings about where I belonged.

On the other hand, I need to actually talk to the Boyfriend about it. Because if he�s not okay with my going, I�d rather not go than go and have it be a bad situation. Establishing my position with the Artboy is not worth jeopardizing my relationship with the Boyfriend. I�ve worked too hard to get him to be okay with everything that�s happened, and I�m in far too good a place right now, to let the Artboy fuck it up all over again.

Did I mention, by the way, that I brought cake into work today? Not only was it my anniversary, but it�s Mr. M�s anniversary, too (17 years) and my other boss�s birthday as well. All good reasons to celebrate. Except that I�ve eaten two pieces now, and I feel like I�m going to explode. But it was good! Chocolate fudge cake with homemade white frosting and sprinkles on top. Yummy�

So, I promise, for those of you who are looking back at that list of people I�ve kissed since I started here and saying, "But, wait, Jennifer�who is Jamie-the-Take-Your-Pants-Off-Man? And what do you mean, you kissed a girl?" I�ll get to that later. The full JTTYPOM story takes more time than I can devote to it here, and I�d hate to write it down and not do it justice. From a safe distance, it�s a very funny story.

Okay, here�s the deal�I�ll tell you the story if one of you signs my guestbook.

I just want to know who I�m sharing my deep, dark secrets with.


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