Dude! That Rocks!
2001-05-16 - 12:32 p.m.

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I took my first solo trek in the Nanamobile last night, out to Carla�s for her Longaberger party. It�s such a grown-up looking car. Nondescript. It blends into the traffic. No one looks at it twice. Driving down Route 138, I was cut off by some woman who was totally not paying attention to which lane she belonged in. It made me laugh. No one did things like that to me when I was driving the Supermetro. In my teensy two-tone car, I looked�off, somehow. The different color hood, maybe, gave the impression that I wouldn�t care if I ran into you. The rusted coat hanger antenna helped too, I�m sure. Now, there I am in my teal green Ford Escort, looking like every other driver on the road. Of course, I do have Glen on my bumper. That helps a little bit.

It�s funny, being in what was purchased as an old person car. The combination of amenities is odd. Papa wanted the automatic seat belts and the AC. He didn�t care about the radio. Consequently, the car straps me in when I shut the door and keeps me cool, but the sound sucks. The radio produces a tinny sound. But hey, it works.

I tuned into WHJY, Providence on my way to Carla�s. It was Double Shot Tuesday. Somewhere on 95, I heard the beginning of �Shout at the Devil�. It was followed by �Girls, Girls, Girls.� Nothing like a couple Motley Crue tunes to make me feel less like part of the driving grownup establishment.

I�m sure I looked less like the other drivers then, singing along, hair flailing about, left hand on the steering wheel while the right gave the Metal Salute with every �Shout!�

Heh. I�m not quite old yet.

HSBF Scott and I went to see the Crue on the Girls, Girls, Girls tour. We brought my cousin Billy and his brother Jeff, I think. My memory fails me slightly. Of course, it was 14 years ago. I gave Billy the ticket for his birthday. I chose my clothes so carefully for that show, wanting to blend into the metal crowd, but knowing I had to pass my father�s inspection before I left the house. On some occasions, I would have changed once I was past his accusing eyes, but not with Billy in tow. He couldn�t be trusted to keep something that incriminating to himself if it would somehow get him out of the hot seat some time in the future. I tried to find an outfit that was both acceptable to my dad and non-incriminating in the audience. The last thing I wanted was to stand out for the wrong reasons among the spandex and chain set.

I don�t remember thinking the band was especially good that night, but being at the show was a lot of fun. I still have the T-shirt somewhere, the front a copy of the album cover.

Hey�FNX is playing School of Fish��Three Strange Days.� I love this song!

No Motley Crue, though. Too bad. Although I�m not sure what my coworkers would make of the Metal Salute!


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