Betsy "Helps Out"
March 25, 2004 - 7:05 p.m.

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Betsy came over today to sit with Will so that the Husband and I could work on the bathroom. Will woke up a few minutes after she arrived at 10:30, after napping for about 45 minutes. The four of us sat in the kitchen for about 45 minutes while she complained about her job, at which point I stood up, politeness be damned, grabbed a paintbrush and started upstairs. Wisely, the Husband followed.

By 12:15, Will was asleep again. He stayed asleep until after she left, at 2:45. The last 40 minutes of her being here were taken up by the Husband making her lunch and eating with her. I ate quickly and headed back upstairs. I was not to be toyed with today.

Personally, I think Will chose to sleep rather than have to hear her ridiculously high voice, but that's just me...

(Here is as good a place as any, I suppose, for me to mention that she had two cups of tea while she was here, and had to use two different mugs, both of which she left sitting dirty in my sink. Grr. Arrgh.)

No actual *painting* got done in the bathroom today, but we still managed to accomplish several things. The nail holes had to be filled, and I thought that should come before the painting, somehow. The seams all got caulked, too. And several big roadblocks got moved from the dining room to their actual homes, so it was a good day, accomplishment-wise. The Husband also managed to leave a message for his doctor, asking for both an appointment and a new Zoloft prescription. This is also good.

All in all, I don't feel quite as hopeless or pissed off as I did yesterday. Baby steps to normal, Jennifer. That's what I keep telling myself, anyway.

On a completely different note, I've been working to try and clear the crap out of my D-Land mailbox, not so easy a feat when I had almost 400 pages of spam in there, 20 emails to a page. I'm curious what it is that makes anyone think I would take advice or buy products to help my financial situation or my sex life from someone without a basic grasp of rudimentary spelling and grammar. Also, I'm not interested in enlarging my penis. Thank you.

On ANOTHER completely different note, I picked up a pamphlet when Mom and I went out to dinner with Carla and her mom the other night. The restaurant where we ate, my VERY FAVORITE restaurant in the world, uses as much local produce as possible in their dishes. One of the farms that supplies them is Stillman's. The pamphlet was for their community supported agriculture (CSA) program. Basically, you pay a membership fee and in return get a box of yummy organic produce every week from June through October. Sadly, their pickup days are Tuesday, when I'm at work, and Saturday, when we'll be in NH, but I haven't given up yet. It's WAY too cool a thing to say no to without trying to find an alternate plan. If you're in the Boston area and have a fresh fruit and veggie habit, check them out!

My teacup is empty, which must mean it's time for bed. Here's hoping we get six hours in a row tonight, kids. Cross your fingers for me, won't you?


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