The Beginning and the Later-On
August 19, 2004 - 11:17 a.m.

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Will is napping. I should be showering. Or cleaning my very cluttered house. Or doing some actual, get-paid-for-it work. Instead, I'm playing on the computer. All that responsible adult stuff--out the window. But this is really the only time I have all day that belongs just to me, and if I want to spend it catching up on other diaries, reading the boards and cruising around--I get that half-hour or so, don't I?

Mom and I went to Carla's last night for our first Longaberger party in over a year. As Longaberger ladies go, we suck. A whole lot. But we're now feeling a little motivated to suck less, so that's a good thing. It's money, one way or another, even if it all goes back into baskets. And it will all go back into baskets--I have a wish list a mile long. Ah, expendable income--I miss you so.

The best part of the night, though, came at the end, after pretty much everyone had left, when Carla, Mom and I were in the kitchen talking with Cheryl about her relationship with Kirk. It appears that my first foray into the world of matchmaking has been an unqualified success! She likes him--she really likes him! Enough that she's thinking of him as her Boyfriend, though she hasn't exactly told him that yet.

It again begged the question--now that we're out of high school and no one asks the "willyougooutwithme" question, how do you know when your relationship has progressed to that point? I'm pretty sure I've written about this in here before, but last night it came up again. Mom tells me that I said I knew the Husband and I had crossed that point when our plans became implied. When it wasn't "what are you doing Friday night," but "what should we do Friday night." When the invitation became for two, not just one "and guest."

It's nice to see her, though, in this early relationship stage. I'd forgotten how exciting the beginning is, before you fall into the easy rhythm that comes later and breeds the predictable. I love the Husband, and I love our relationship, but something shifts when you get past that beginning point. I miss that. It's replaced by other good things. The Husband can invariably find my glasses when I can't. He knows me well enough now to just know where I'm likely to leave them. He knows not to ask me if I want to go bowling, and I don't have to accept a bowling invitation just to spend time with him. We sleep more comfortably together than we do apart, because we're so used to having the other person there next to us, our bodies have readjusted. I know that even if he doesn't agree or see things the same way, he'll unquestionably understand what's bothering me, and I feel secure in sharing it with him, even if it's little and stupid. And in a room full of people, we can share a look and know what the other person is thinking without a word ever being spoken.

These are all things that come with time. He and I have now been together for five of the last six years (with that one-year break after the first six months), and we've earned the ease of our relationship. And perhaps some of the energy at the beginning is the anticipation of what's to come.

Whatever it is, it's fun to watch, and good to feel like I had a hand in creating something good.

And speaking of all this stuff, next Tuesday is the Husband's and my two-year wedding anniversary. I read somewhere that the first two years of a marriage are the hardest to get through statistically. When I think of all the things that have happened between the day we got engaged and now, I'm thankful for the possibility of smoother sailing to come. I think we've earned it. But these two years have been good ones overall--I certainly wouldn't trade them!

Trying to figure out what to do to celebrate. We both have to work, so it will be a low-key celebration, whatever it is. Any suggestions?


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