Yard Sales, Furniture and Furry Pets
2002-06-03 - 4:02 p.m.

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I just ate a most disappointing piece of cheesecake. This is sad. If you�re going to go ahead and eat something as sinful as cheesecake, it should at least be GOOD cheesecake�

Oh well. I suppose worse things have happened than overdone crust.

Ah, Monday again. I wasn�t ready for it to be Monday. Not at all. The weekend blurred by. Friday was entirely yard sale preparation. Saturday was the yard sale. Sunday was yard sale cleanup and recovery. I sold almost $80 worth of junk. Good junk, but junk nonetheless. So it goes. We had a good time.

Erica and the girls set up a table in the driveway, too (we ended up with seven different households involved�it was a BIG yard sale!), and put up a sing saying that all proceeds from their sales were going to the AIDS walk yesterday, in memory of Bailey�s friend Elliot. They sold about $50 worth of good junk. At the end of the day, we divided everything into three piles�the �good enough to pass on to Boomerangs (the AIDS Action Committee�s store in Jamaica Plain) to resell� pile, the �serviceable and right up Morgan Memorial�s alley� pile and the �leave at the edge of the driveway and watch people pick through it until the trash guys come on Monday� pile. Then I had an idea. We put a couple signs up near the driveway pile that said, �If you would like to make a donation in return for anything in these boxes, all proceeds will go to the 6/2 AIDS walk in memory of Elliot Cohen. Donations through the mail slot, please. Thanks!� By the end of yesterday, we�d received another $40 to add to Erica�s yard sale takings. Kind of restores my faith in the world.

Amazing how exhausting standing in the driveway turned out to be. Mom, Carla, the Boyfriend and I went for ice cream once the crazed shopper dust had settled, then Carla went home, Mom curled up with her book, the Boyfriend took a nap in front of the TV and I stamped a few thank you cards before heading to bed myself before 9:00, of course, I succumbed to a migraine at the end of the day, so I guess I have a good excuse. Damn headaches�

I�m better now, though.

The Boyfriend and I were supposed to paint the Condo bathroom on Sunday, but I wasn�t certain my head could stand the paint fumes. Instead, we sat in the living room and talked about ways to find some �US� time in the midst of the craziness that is our lives these days. Then we went to the unfinished furniture store and ordered a bureau and a lingerie chest for me that match his bedroom set (just the lingerie chest shows in the photo, though the bed is the same as the one pictured there. I know y�all have been filled with curiosity about where we sleep!) so that I won�t have to keep my clothes in cardboard boxes on the floor. Other than my bed, which amounts to a mattress, box spring and metal frame, I�ve never bought real furniture before. I told the Boyfriend it made me feel very grown up, and under extreme pressure to stay organized! The bureau is similar to the six-drawer one, but with three smaller drawers across the top and slightly more shallow lower drawers. I can�t complain that I don�t have enough space.

Truthfully, I would have found a way to �make do� for a while, but it was extremely important to him that I have something in the bedroom that was just mine, and that it all matched. Boys are funny about stuff sometimes. But it made him extraordinarily happy, and it�s nice furniture, so�I have a new bureau now. And the purchasing of it makes the wedding that much more real.

From the furniture store, we went to Petco. Where the pets go, as the Boyfriend is so fond of pointing out. We�d been talking about pet ownership over the weekend. He really, really wants a dog, which, of course, aren�t allowed in the Condo. He has fish, and while watching them swim is very relaxing, there�s not much interaction that goes on there. He was hoping for a more bonding experience. So, yard sale money in our pockets, we ventured to Petco�s �small animal� section.

We immediately ruled out the ferrets (too expensive and labor-intensive) and the rats or mice (too skeezy to me after my apartment rodent experiences), and zeroed in on the hamsters and guinea pigs. After much discussion with the girl from the store, who mentioned that hamsters can be very moody, and will just as likely take a chunk out of your finger as play with you, we ended up with a small guinea pig. He�s black with a white stripe down his head and some white/silver mixed in his back and tummy. We threw out a lot of names before I suggested Clyde, after the last small furry pet I met and liked.

While the Petco staff boxed Clyde up for travel, we wandered through the aisles and picked out a cage, bedding, a �pet igloo� for him to use as a hiding place, a food dish, a water bottle, vitamins, food and chew toys. The Boyfriend found a list of things we should have for him on an informational sheet in the store and methodically checked off what was already in the cart. We spent almost what we both made at the yard sale, but it was worth it. Clyde is worth it. He�s awfully cute and very snuggly, if not a bit traumatized from the whole �separated from his friends and transplanted into the Condo� thing.

My mom thinks we�ve gone insane. She may be right. But I keep telling her to be nice to her grandpig, as it�s good training for the baby we�ll eventually have. And already, he�s changing our way of doing things. We�ve shuffled our schedules this week around so that he won�t be home alone at night, and he�s coming to my mom�s for the weekend, starting Thursday (just like me). Sunday, we�ll bring him back to the Condo, as we�re going to try again to paint the bathroom.

Part of me thinks we should have gotten a female, so that we could put two of them together. I don�t want him to be lonely. But I also don�t want to end up with guinea pig babies! Not ready to play foster parent to a litter of the furry little guys!

Anyone with guinea pig advice, I�d love to hear it!


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