This entry has a word count of 1,315 words
2001-10-24 - 2:03 p.m.

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I�ve been reading through the NaNoWriMo website and welcoming email, and I have just one question.

What the hell was I thinking?!

50,000 words in 30 days. 1,667 words each day. With no idea at this point of what I�m going to write about. Y�all are gonna be reading along with me, I�m afraid. I apologize in advance for anything that happens in these diary pages in November.

I guess that stringing together my entries, while perhaps enlightening, wouldn�t really be writing a novel. Ah, well, it was a nice momentary thought.

I�ve been attempting for three days now to schedule a meeting for Donna. There are three people involved outside our department, and four others from inside. I�ve heard back from everyone except the two people who asked to have the meeting scheduled in the first place. Please, people, I can�t do what you ask for if you don�t answer my freaking questions, now can I?! There are moments where I really hate my job.

I still have no voice. Which is especially weird when you consider that my throat doesn�t hurt at all. I still feel rather crappy, but my throat feels fine. So why do I have no voice? I don�t understand.

My cousin Susie was going in today for the last step in her in vitro fertilization process. She and her husband Sean have been trying for almost two years to have a second child (their first is almost four now). For whatever reason, Susie has decided we all need to hear about the whole process in detail. I have to say, I don�t agree. I now know more about Sean�s sperm than I ever thought necessary. So does the Boyfriend. She filled us in at the wedding reception on Saturday, standing on the edge of the dance floor while the bride and her father danced their requisite dance around us.

Just out of curiosity, I did a word count on what I�d written to the beginning of this sentence. Only 315.

Yesterday�s, entry, however, was 1,415. Maybe 1,667 isn�t so hard after all.

Perhaps I just need to write my novel about the Artboy.

I�m mostly joking about that.

The Boyfriend called our friend Adam last night to talk to him about buying a new TV. Adam works for Tweeter, and can get him something called a �friends and family discount.� Originally, he wanted to buy a 36-inch flat-screen set, but I managed to convince him that it was too big. Now, he�s down to the 32-inch set.

I�m not a big TV fan. Meaning that I don�t feel like my TV needs to be huge to satisfy me. The TV in my bedroom is 21 inches, and that�s plenty for me. I hate walking into what is supposed to be a living room and having it be nothing but a giant TV with no room for anything else. I told the Boyfriend that I didn�t think he should get a TV any bigger than the 32-inch until he had a room that could be just a TV room. In the three-room, two-bedroom condo, we don�t have that.

Today, he told me that Adam can get him the TV at a four hundred dollar discount through a program where he won�t have to pay for it until January, 2003. He was surprised to find that I wasn�t ecstatic about this.

Finally, I just asked him. �Are you planning to use money from the wedding to pay for this television?�

�Would that be a bad thing?� he asked in return, half-joking. Then he said no, he planned to pay it off before then, and he hoped to save the majority of the wedding money for future things.

This was a relief to me.

We don�t have the same feeling on inanimate objects, the Boyfriend and I. I believe that once you have something, you keep it until it doesn�t work any more, then you replace it. You don�t get rid of something just because you�ve gotten tired of it.

Since I met the Boyfriend, he�s owned three different cars (in less than four years). He�s lived in four different places�his mom�s house, the apartment, the first condo and the condo he owns now. He bought a new VCR because he didn�t think the old one looked right with his other electronic equipment. And now, despite the fact that he has two TV�s that work perfectly fine, and I have one in my bedroom that�s going to be there in less than ten months, he NEEDS to buy this TV.

Which I would never tell him not to do (I did strongly suggest that he not buy the 36-inch, but if you�d seen the size of the TV in comparison to the size of the living room, you�d agree with me, I�m sure of it). I do, however, feel like it�s okay for me to not want him to spend wedding money on it.

Carla told me that when she and her husband got married, they finally split the wedding cash they planned to spend down the middle and each made their own purchases. He bought a TV; she bought a bed. They both use both of these items. It worked well for them.

Compromise is a good thing. I know that. I really do.

That doesn�t make me like the TV any better.

I still like him, though, which is much more important.

My cousin PJ emailed me this morning and offered the Boyfriend and me Bruins tickets for Saturday night. This was very cool, as I like my cousin PJ and his girlfriend Jane, and would like to spend Saturday night with them. I also enjoy watching hockey (something of a surprise�the only other sport I enjoy watching is Lacrosse). But since we already have several sets of plans for Saturday night, I turned him down.

Brian is coming to town. This makes me very happy. And I�m not saying that just because I know he�ll be reading this.

We�re going first to the opening at the Gallery (yes, that would be the Artboy�s gallery), then to my friend Ilana�s Halloween party. This means that we�ll be at the Gallery in costume. As I have not yet identified a costume, I don�t know yet how I feel about that.

The Boyfriend mentioned the other day that Julie (his friend Joe�s girlfriend) is also having her Halloween party that same night, just as she did last year.

We went last year. It sucked.

Julie is okay, and I like one of her roommates, but it goes back to the whole frat boy, drink in the corner mentality. I don�t want to stand around in someone else�s apartment and do shots in the kitchen. Therefore, there will be nothing for me to do at Julie�s. Truly, the whole point of the party is to get shitfaced, and I don�t do that. Nor, for that matter, does the Boyfriend, but they�re his friends, so he generally goes along and just stands on the sidelines.

Brian, I�m sorry, but I may have used you to get us out of going. I mentioned that Brian was in town, and that since he�d most likely be staying with us, we couldn�t really ask him to leave Ilana�s party to go to Julie�s, where he would know no one but us.

And it�s not that I find this a hardship. It just became a convenient way to get out of going.

Perhaps I have to work on my compromising skills. But Ilana invited us first. And we�ll have a good time there. Whereas we both had a crappy time at Julie�s last year.

Am I just being bitchy for not wanting to go? Is it just a case of �my friends are better than your friends?� I mean, outside of the fact that for the most part, that happens to be true�


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