So I guess it's not the meds...
2002-10-14 - 6:01 p.m.

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Adopt a Soldier!

And so it goes� Happy Columbus Day, to those of you lucky enough to be celebrating. Oh, and to Mike, and Joe and all their fellow Canadians, Happy Thanksgiving! Alas, for me, it�s a regular work day, albeit one with a kick-ass commute. If every day were like this one, I�d be much more likely to stay at the hospital. But I�m sure tomorrow will be back to the three-hour madness. Or, rather, Wednesday. Tomorrow, I get to go to the dentist and to see Wendy and to the Apartment to pick up the last of my stuff and to the Dogwood for dinner with Chris. Much nicer than commuting. No, really. Given the small amount of things I did this weekend, you�d think I�d be full of energy and ready to tackle my week. Not so. I�m full of a great desire to head back to bed and ready to tackle nothing more complex than today�s episode of Passions. I don�t think I�m adjusting well to being off the Zoloft. After a week, I�m all weepy and irrational again. The Husband and I went to the Brockton MSPCA shelter yesterday with hopes of adopting a new guinea pig. I can finally talk about Clyde without melting down. We�re home a lot more. And it feels like time. So adopting seemed like a good way to go (no Petco!), and the Brocton shelter is right near my mom�s, and they�re open 12-4 on Sundays. So we set off. First, we stopped at three different stores before we found guinea pig food and the right kind of bedding. Then we got lost. Right in the neighborhood we wanted�we must have circled right around the shelter without ever actually passing it. Several times. For an hour and 20 minutes. Eventually, we found the right street, drove up and found the gate closed and locked, with a sign out front that said, �Sorry, we are closed today. Join us at Borderland State Park for the Walk for Pets!� I was crestfallen. When we got back to my mom�s house, she asked what happened. I relayed the whole saga. Her response? �Oh well.� I closed myself in the bathroom and sobbed. Not a real rational reaction. When the Husband asked me why I was so upset, all I could squeak out between tears was, �I don�t know!� I�d say the Zoloft is out of my system. Which is too bad, since the dizziness isn�t gone. Grr. Arrgh. Of course, it was fine all weekend. Then I came back to work. By 1:00, I was spinny all over again. Perhaps Betsy is right. Maybe it is stress. Tomorrow, in between my 8 am dentist appt and my 2 pm therapy appt with Wendy, I�m going to my mom�s office to see Gail, her boss and our friend. Gail wants to hire me to work in their office. It would be less money, but also less stress, less crap, a boss who respects me, coworkers I like. The brain is busy tonight. What would you do if you were Jennifer? Oh, and on the guinea pig front? Despite my initial response that this was God�s way of telling us we aren�t meant to have pets, we�re going back to Brockton this weekend. At least this time we already have the food and we know where we�re going. But I think we�ll call first, regardless.


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