Snow? What snow?
2001-03-05 - 13:32:05

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The news is forecasting ridiculous snowfall. Snow of biblical proportions! Snow like there hasn�t been since 1978. Snow to make the record books tremble.

I just looked outside. No snow.

It�s 12:49. I had planned to leave here at 12 so I could get home and beat the crappiest of the weather. Both my bosses are out (one never came in at all, one came in, grabbed a pile of stuff and went home again). The hospital just sent out an official memo to all employees that announced plans to close �all ambulatory care and administrative services at 2:00 p.m. today. Employees in these areas should check with their managers and, if their services are not required, they are free to go home at 2:00 p.m. and will be paid for their full shift.�

The memo goes on to say that all ambulatory and administrative areas will be closed tomorrow, too, although they gave us a number to call to see if our services are needed.

Let me mention again�not a flake in sight.

The Boyfriend�s company told all �nonessential� staff to stay home. His boss said he fell into that category. I think Nick said that mostly because then he could stay home, too. The Boyfriend was happy. Now he gets paid for his regular job and is out �plowing� with a friend. They got called in at 7:00 this morning. He called me at 9:30 from the place he was having breakfast. He called again a little while ago while waiting for his lunch. That�s six hours so far on the city payroll. He hasn�t done a thing but drive the plow truck around to different restaurants.

I told him to keep in mind as he tells the plow guy how long he can stay that we�re driving seven hours to Rochester, NY Thursday, then to Toronto on Friday. Last time he plowed all night and then worked all day, he was cranky and tired and unpleasant to be around for days. I don�t really want to spend the weekend in a new city with crankypants boy. I stopped short of telling him not to be stupid about it, but that�s what I was thinking. He gets blinded by the dollar signs, I think.

Got a phone call from my brother last night. He wanted to let me know they�d survived through the Washington earthquake without incident. This is good news. I�d meant to call him for a few days, but�life takes precedence, I guess, and finding a good time to call the Pacific Northwest from Boston is next-to-impossible. Talking to him was good, though. It�s always like we just spoke the other day, even thought we haven�t talked since Thanksgiving.

I told him he needs to start saving for a family trip out to this side of the country for August 2002, no excuses accepted this time. I said I couldn�t get married without him here. There was dead silence on the other end of the phone, and then he said, �for real? Well, that�s excellent news!� I told him the plans weren�t definite, or even truly official, but that August 2002 was looking like a good, safe bet, which gave him plenty of time to plan a trip for five to Massachusetts. He agreed.

The more stuff like that I do, the more conversations I have, the more real the idea becomes.

I still haven�t gone running in the other direction.

Even despite the crankypants.


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