Even I'm not sure what this is about
2001-03-22 - 03:08 p.m.

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Gah! I have spent the majority of my day typing minutes from last Friday�s meetings. My head is spinning! It�s taking me longer to type the minutes than it did to actually live through the meetings. Something there just isn�t right.

In between typing minutes, I�ve been cursing the HR office. Every time something changes in an employee�s HR file, a yellow ECF (employee change form) is generated. Yesterday, I logged and filed every single ECF I had to put away. It took me five hours to do them all, as it had been a while. Then I sent through every single reimbursement request I had waiting in my �to do� box. After all the paper was off my desk, I did a little �I�m caught up!� dance. Today, I got an envelope from HR containing 25 more ECF�s and another envelope from one of my chief techs with a whole new slew of reimbursements.

I was caught up. For a whole 12 hours or so, I was caught up.

ANYWAY, enough bitching about work. That�s not why I came in here.

Ilana and I went to see Save the Last Dance last night as planned. It was passably cheesy goodness, no more or less than what I expected it would be. When the movie ended, we were both smiling and ready to go dancing. Julia Stiles has a very sweet stage presence. She�s my girl movie star crush.

It was good to see Ilana. She�d been home for the weekend, helping her younger sister shop for a wedding dress. Her sister�s wedding has left her feeling a little out-of-sorts in a lot of ways. While she�s happy for her sister, this is her younger sister, and that�s a little odd for her. We got talking about people who live as slaves to the Plan (you know�the Plan�the �I need to be married by 25 and have my first kid by 28 and the second kid by 30 and the summer house by 31 and��). We hate the Plan. And we hate that other people try to put us on the Plan. Screw that!

Never in my younger days did I think that I�d be unmarried and childless halfway between 30 and 31. Of course, in my younger days, that seemed old! Now that I�m actually there, it�s not old at all.

Tricia told me yesterday about her boyfriend�s sister, who just found out at 23 that she�s pregnant. The girl has been married for two years, though, to a guy she�d dated since she was 15. I can�t imagine that.

I actually shared that with HSBF Scott last night (we ended up rather unexpectedly on the phone until almost 1:00 a.m.). I said, �Can you imagine if I�d married the guy I was dating when we were 15?!� That wasn�t even him yet�it was another friend of ours, a friend I would have long since murdered if I�d remained his girlfriend!

Scott, among other things, shared with me the fact that he and his girlfriend are planning to move in together when his lease is up.

Part of me feels very strange having conversations like that with him. After all, for a long time, he filled that romantic space in my life, just as I did in his. Now we sit and have these deep conversations about cohabitating and marriage and big adult decisions we�re making involving other people! I guess that should feel a little strange. But on the other side of that, he and I have known each other since 1979. He�s been my friend for almost 22 years, and was my boyfriend for eight. Who better to have a conversation like that with? What better perspective than that of someone who�s been in that spot in your life and lived to tell about it!

I was talking to him about my fear of losing myself in my relationship with the Boyfriend, and said that I just didn�t want to become an unthinking non-person.

He laughed and said, �Jennifer, no one could ever turn you into an unthinking non-person.�

I reminded him about the Artboy. He reminded me that I�m not there any more.

It was good to talk to Scott.

Boy, I am disjointed today. I guess that�s what I get for being on the phone until almost 1.

Tonight, I�m out again. Damon and I are going to see The Gift. I also love Cate Blanchett.

This might be a new record for me, three nights out in a row. My inner 50�s housewife is cringing.


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