Bluesphere, Bathtubs and Birthdays
2001-04-05 - 11:40 a.m.

Sponsor me in the 2005 MS Walk! Why? Read here.

Adopt a Soldier!

So first, before I say or do anything else, let me tell you all that my friend Joe has created a really neat thing. Go check out Bluesphere, and learn how the purchases you already make online can benefit those less fortunate than you. Go on, do it now. We�ll wait for you to come back.

See, isn�t that cool? Just by shopping on or, which so many of us do already, you can give money to kids who need help. And feel good about yourself, all at the same time. Becomes a good way to rationalize buying that CD you�ve been thinking about!


My posting about lingerie yesterday prompted a conversation with Carla that led to my comparing the Artboy and the Boyfriend to breakfast food. I�ve reprised it here. Somehow, it needed its own entry space.


Good news is that I got to take my bath! I got home and Chris really wasn�t there, so I immediately started running the water. I can�t say enough good things about the Lush Butterball bath ballistic. It fizzed for a long time, smelled heavenly, and was filled with little chunks of cocoa butter that melted into my bath water and made me feel totally relaxed and pampered. Glad I bought more than one. I didn�t even mind cleaning out the tub when I was done.

Chris of course came through the door just as I was getting out. He was in a good mood, though, probably because I was home and available to chat with him. The whole situation makes me feel crazed�now, he�s sounding better, and so do we not have the conversation with him? Or do we go and talk to him anyway, even though things don�t seem so bad? Although, despite the fact that he was cheerful and all, he ate no dinner (saying he felt sick) but fixed himself a giant Stoli raspberry and tonic and was drunk for a good portion of the evening. That part can�t be good, no matter how positive his mood seems.


I gathered together my pledge stuff for the MS Walk last night. Thanks in part to some great support from my Diaryland readers, I�ll have over $500 pledged to me for Saturday�s walk. Way cool! (It�s not too late, if you still want to sponsor me! Please feel free!!!). In my information packet was a yellow paper heart. Every year, the Walk packet contains one, the idea being that the walker should decorate it in honor of the person they�re walking for, and then post it at the walk site on a special board. Every year, I forget and end up scribbling on one at the walk.

This year, I decorated it in advance. I decided I wanted a super-special heart for her, since this has been such a difficult year. I wasn�t sure she was going to do it this time�my grandmother died two months ago, then she had major surgery a month and a half ago and isn�t up to full speed yet. Top that off with her sharing her MS secret with all our family and friends�I thought it might be too much. But she�s going, and therefore, I want her to know that I acknowledge how difficult this is for her, and how impressed I am with her, and how much I love her.

So I spent way too long last night, decorating this thing. It says, �I�m walking for MARIE!!!� in the middle, with the words �my mother, my friend, my captain, my inspiration� around the sides and a note at the bottom that says, �I love you, Mom! It�s an honor to walk beside you!� There are stars and flowers and teacups and a little Longaberger basket on it, and it sparkles, and it catches your eye, and I hope it makes her smile.

She deserves that.


I cleaned up my stickers and markers and went to bed around 11:30, but I couldn�t seem to get to sleep. I was thinking about pledges, and about walking, and about the Boyfriend�s birthday, and about money issues in general, and my brain just would not stop running! I finally fell asleep somewhere just after Midnight.

At 12:30, our phone rang.

I jumped out of bed with my heart in my throat, grabbed my bathrobe and ran to the living room. �Hello?!�

��Uh�Emilio there?�

�You. Have. The. Wrong. Number.�


That was the end of good, solid sleep for me. Bastard.


Today is my last day of work this week. Tomorrow, the Boyfriend and I are taking off to Pickity Place to celebrate his birthday, then joining his family, my mom and David, a few assorted friends and his sister�s boyfriend for birthday dinner.

Ought to be interesting.

Wish me luck, Diaryland, more so with the dinner than with the walk. I�m sure I�ll have lots to report on Saturday.


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