Walking on Sunshine
2001-05-07 - 4:02 p.m.

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3:00 on Monday already? Where has my day gone?

I�m sitting at my desk eating the Orville Redenbacher�s Kettle Corn we bought at Costco yesterday. Oh. My. God. If you have a chance, you should go get some of this. It�s absolutely delicious. Sweet and salty at the same time�the PMS antidote! Very cool!

Thanks for the good advice I�ve gotten recently. Allison emailed me after I complained about my deodorant issues and suggested I try the Optimism-scented Secret. I finally found some in stock this morning, so I haven�t tried it yet, but it smells fabulous! I�ll let y�all know tomorrow how it works. And Selila, I found the phone number for the Guiliano Day Spa and am going to call for an appointment. It�s always good to have a recommendation on a qualified massage therapist. I hate to go to someone blindly. So�good things for me all around. Thank you!!!

I�m in a ridiculously good mood today, almost annoyingly so to those around me, even. Had an amazing weekend. Nothing specifically wonderful happened, but it was relaxed and we had nothing pressing going on, and everything went at a slow pace. I mostly just enjoyed the Boyfriend�s company.

I started the weekend off by sitting in the hammock on my back porch with my book and a big glass of mint iced tea. The Boyfriend joined me for a while, but eventually pulled me out so we could take off in the Jeep with the top down. It was a gorgeous night for a ride, although I was glad I brought my sweatshirt.

Saturday, we went to see the new condo. It�s weird to look around at it and know that eventually it will be where I live. The apartment has been home to me now for almost six years. I�m having a hard time imagining living anywhere else. And it will be the Boyfriend�s home for the next year without me, but as we walked through it and talked about where his furniture would go, we talked, too, about where my stuff would eventually wind up. Slowly, it becomes reality. And I�m actually finding myself to be ready for it to be real, which surprises no one more than it does me.

Like I told Carla earlier, every once in a while I just look around at my life and realize it�s a good place to be and just feel really happy. I started feeling like that on Friday, and even today, after two departmental meetings and a fight with Payroll, I�m still feeling it. Life is good.

Not even Chris can kill my happy mood, although he�s tried. Saturday night, the Boyfriend and I met Chris, Steve and Erica for dinner at Not Your Average Joe�s in Randolph (great restaurant, by the way, for those of you in the Boston area!). We planned to go see Blow after dinner, so Steve had stopped and bought five tickets before dinner just in case it was crazed in there later.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Chris, Steve and Erica were already there. Chris seemed fine at first, but as the conversation went on, he became less and less communicative. I think it started with the Boyfriend and I talking about our non-wedding non-plans, which always seems to make Chris moody (the concept that I would marry the Boyfriend and move on to a different stage in my life frightens and angers him), and it got worse from there. By the time we were seated and placed our order, he was down to one- or two-word answers to all our questions, and he initiated no conversation on his own. He said maybe 30 words all through dinner, and half of them were to complain about his mashed potatoes.

We finished eating, left our money on the table and walked out of the restaurant. He stopped in the doorway and said, �Listen, I�I�m�this�I�m feeling like I�m in a bad place right now, so this isn�t a good idea. Thanks, Steve, for getting the tickets early, but I�m just going to go home.�

He reached over to hug Erica. She looked at him and said, �Chris, are you okay?� He sighed and said, �No, Erica, the answer to that question is definitely no. I�m just going to go. There isn�t anything you can do, but thank you.� Then he walked away.

Steve went after him. He said the same things to Steve he always says to all of us when we�ve tried to talk to him before. �I know what my problem is. No one can fix it but me. I�ll be fine. It�s not your issue. Don�t worry about me.�

It�s like the scene in The Breakfast Club, where Ally Sheedy dumps her purse on the couch. Chris�s problems are the contents of her purse. And my life is Emilio Estevez�s lap. I just wanted a roommate. I didn�t know all this crap came along in the bargain.

I never went home yesterday. I haven�t talked to him since he walked away on Saturday night. Part of me resents the fact that he�s infringing on my happy time, and part of me feels like that�s really selfish. It would be different, I guess, if he listened at all to what I say to him. He doesn�t.

I can�t walk on eggshells and try to run my life by what won�t upset Chris. There are too many good things happening for me right now.

Okay, this has taken an hour, off and on. Now, it�s almost four and I have volumes to do.

Happy Monday, all!


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