Vanilla Sky and other assorted thoughts
2002-01-08 - 5:39 p.m.

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So Jim and I went to see Vanilla Sky as planned last night. If you�re avoiding information about the movie, skip to below the big line, because this contains some spoiler information.

Generally, I consider myself to be a pretty observant moviegoer. It�s not often that a movie can actually surprise me (the only one I can think of offhand is The Usual Suspects, where I had no idea what was going to happen at the end until it was happening), but this one did.

At one point, in fact, I looked at Jim and whispered, �I have NO IDEA what�s happening here!� Of course, at that point in the movie, neither does Tom Cruise�s character, David Aames. David has just been jailed for beating up his girlfriend, Sophia (Penelope Cruz), but he knows�KNOWS, without a shadow of a doubt---that the woman in his apartment was Julie Gianni (Cameron Diaz). He goes to Sophia�s to try and straighten out the situation and finds that Julie�s face has replaced Sophia�s in all the pictures, including the one he drew the night they met. We in the audience, along with David, KNOW that Julie is dead, that Julie is not Sophia, that the photos are lying, or that he�s seeing them wrong. But then�they�re right, and all is well, until they�re wrong again, seconds later. I couldn�t accept that David had spiraled into insanity, but what other explanation?

My friend Dave described the movie as a �mind fuck,� and I can�t say I disagree. But I want to watch it again, now that I know what was happening, now that the ending won�t be a surprise. Cameron Crowe himself suggested that it�s a movie that needs to be watched several times in order to catch everything in it. I believe that. And enjoyed the confusion, though I was glad that I left the theater with a clearer understanding of what was happening. Unlike Lord of the Rings, this movie gave me some sense of closure, which was good. I�m not sure I could have dealt with another ride home like that.

Cameron Diaz came across as sufficiently creepy, and I was half in love with Penelope Cruz before the credits. I would recommend the movie, but only to someone prepared for the oddness of it. I�m not sure Jim was quite ready for it.

So�in the rest of my life�

The Boyfriend and I are in guest list conversation. Right now, we�re debating on Amy�s list. Yes, that�s right, folks, AMY has decided, once again, that she needs to have four friends at the wedding.

Does this strike anyone else as ridiculous? Or am I just being petty?

I�m SO not looking forward to the day where we all sit down and truly have to hash out that final invite list. I told my mom the other day that if she felt the need to keep 160 people for herself, SHE needed to be the one to tell the Boyfriend�s family no on their people.

You people out there who have already done this, who have successfully navigated your way through who gets knocked off the in-crowd without calling off the whole affair�HOW did you do it? How do we get to a happy crowd with an acceptable spread?

I�m again seeing the wisdom of the Vegas idea.

Of course, then I don�t get to wear the dress�

So I had another strange Artboy dream last night. This one had both the Artboy and the Boyfriend in it. The three of us were sitting on my couch, watching a movie (don�t know what�that wasn�t part of the dream). They were both holding my hands. At one point, the Artboy leaned over and kissed my cheek. The Boyfriend stood up and yelled at him, saying, �You need to understand, once and for all, that Jennifer is MINE now!� I pushed them apart, told the Artboy to go home, and then turned to the boyfriend and said, �Listen, my darling [which, by the way, I would never call him outside the dream world. It sounds way too theatrical], you�re right. (The Artboy) is way out of line. But I don�t belong to you, like a piece of property you can put on a shelf. I�m not yours. Not like that.�

I could read all sorts of things into that. I choose to believe, instead, though, that it was brought on by the fact that the end of the movie had a Spiritualized song in it. Until I die, it will be an Artboy song. Made me smile. But that�s as far as it goes.

Or, I could be having more moving anxiety.

Or it could have been the chili I ate when we got back from the movie.

Or maybe it�s the thought of Amy�s friends at the reception.

One of those.


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