The Good Side and the Bad Side of Today, and my Favorite Email Ever
April 20, 2005 - 3:29 p.m.

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On the good side, my sink is clean.

On the bad side, the rest of my house is not.

On the good side, I just got paid!

On the bad side, most of that money is already spent.

On the good side, it's sunny and warm outside!

On the bad side, I have no clothes for sunny and warm weather.

On the good side, Will is napping beautifully.

On the bad side, I have squandered away most of his nap on cleaning up things like the kitchen and the car.

On the good side, my voice is back today.

On the bad side, my head is still ridiculously stuffy.

On the good side, Will ate a big lunch.

On the bad side, it was a lunch of drinkable yogurt and cheetos.

On the good side, he played quietly and happily in the office this morning.

On the bad side, he played with my rolodex, which is now in pieces all over the floor (see: the rest of my house is not clean).

On the good side, I got an email from Carla today!

On the bad side, I haven't seen her in forever. Or, at least, what seems like forever.

On the good side, I think that's all the bad I've got to share right now.

Life is very odd. I logged in to my email the other day and read through the 700 flylady messages and the notices about the stuff my mom is bidding on on Ebay (she's been using my ID because getting her own is just too complicated), and found in the midst of all that an email from Darin Adams.

Darin Adams, people who live in the Boston area may recall, used to be the weather guy on the WB in the Morning, a news show I used to watch every morning back in the day when it was on and I had to get ready for work outside the house. I didn't really believe it was from him at first--my TV crush on Darin was very well known among the People Who Know Me, and my first thought was that one of them was playing a trick on me. But a little bit of online research confirmed that the message did, indeed, come from his email address.

"Yo Jenistar--

I just did a Google search for my favorite anachronism, WBITM, and discovered that not only did you have it mentioned, but that you mentioned me, too!

Yea, it's just Darin Adams, the former weatherman for that wonderful show. �I miss it and the people associated with it. �It was a fun little time while we go to do it. �I have left doing weather, and almost left doing news, too. �Who knows what the future might hold?

So do I know anything about you and what you're all about?"

Life is very, very strange sometimes.

It made me a little bit giddy. It's not every day that you get an out-of-the-blue message from a TV personality, let alone one you used to share every single morning with.

I asked him if he minded if I reprinted his email up here. He agreed, and said that the viewer email input was his favorite part of the old show.

I don't quite know what a 34-year-old mostly stay-at-home-mom in the Boston suburbs might have to input into life in Louisville, KY, Darin, but if you need me, I'm your girl.


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